26 defined(
'LGV_LANG_CATCHER' ) or die ( 'Cannot Execute Directly' );
32 static $andisol_error_name_user_not_authorized =
'User Not Authorized';
33 static $andisol_error_desc_user_not_authorized =
'This user is not Authorized to Perform This Operation';
34 static $andisol_error_name_login_instance_failed_to_initialize =
'Login Failed to Initialize';
35 static $andisol_error_desc_login_instance_failed_to_initialize =
'The server was unable to create the requested login resource.';
36 static $andisol_error_name_login_instance_unavailable =
'Login Not Available';
37 static $andisol_error_desc_login_instance_unavailable =
'The requested login item was not available.';
38 static $andisol_error_name_user_instance_unavailable =
'User Not Available';
39 static $andisol_error_desc_user_instance_unavailable =
'The requested user item was not available.';
40 static $andisol_error_name_user_not_deleted =
'User Not Deleted';
41 static $andisol_error_desc_user_not_deleted =
'The user was not deleted by ANDISOL.';
42 static $andisol_error_name_login_not_deleted =
'Login Not Deleted';
43 static $andisol_error_desc_login_not_deleted =
'The login was not deleted by ANDISOL.';
44 static $andisol_error_name_insufficient_location_information =
'Insufficient Location Information';
45 static $andisol_error_desc_insufficient_location_information =
'The location creator needs more infomation to create the location.';
46 static $andisol_error_name_location_failed_to_initialize =
'Location Object Failed to Initialize';
47 static $andisol_error_desc_location_failed_to_initialize =
'The location object was not created.';
48 static $andisol_new_unnamed_user_name_format =
'New User %d';